Bioeconomy and Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia (CluBE) – Starting a new post-coal era in the Balkan region

Bioeconomy and Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia (CluBE) – Starting a new post-coal era in the Balkan region

Bioeconomy and Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia (CluBE) – Starting a new post-coal era in the Balkan region

From the 19th to the 22nd of September, the city of Kozani in Western Macedonia, Greece, hosted the 1st Balkan Clean Energy Transition Event. The aim of this Event was to discuss and reflect about the current policies, actions and technologies enabling the transition to the post-coal era and this aim was fulfilled by all means.

As the world population evolves, the demand for energy is constantly increasing. In this framework, the employment of carbon-based fossil energy sources has played a significant role but with a huge impact on the environment. A radical paradigm shift is needed to reach climate neutrality by 2050, an objective set by the European Commission’s strategic long-term vision. But how can European regions with coal-based energy infrastructure, such as the case of most Balkan countries, meet this goal? Which policies are or could be in place to support this transition? Which technologies are available for this demanding transition toward a decarbonized future? Which actions and interventions have been launched on a local and international scale? These are just some of the questions that have been addressed in the framework of the BCET2019 event.

During the different sessions, specific key topics were discussed and actions were proposed for the Balkan clean energy transition; renewables, energy storage and green hydrogen, energy efficiency, smart cities, circular bioeconomy, mobility, governance and citizen engagement alike, all had a vivid and animated audience. BCET2019 addressed also the impact of the National Climate and Energy Plans in terms of industrial and jobs’ restructuring. In this context, participants examined possible mitigating measures that must be taken in a timely manner, in order to ensure a sustainable and just transition. Financing this clean energy transition was the closing session, where key global, EU, national and regional organisations analysed the global and local trends. All the aspects that will play a fundamental role to enable the successful and just transition to the post-coal era in the Balkans were analysed and targeted actions have been proposed.

The event consisted of the Balkan Clean Energy Transition Conference (19 – 21 September) and the Balkan Clean Energy Transition Fair (19-22 September). The energy fair showcased some technologies that are currently available to create more sustainable societies while in parallel offered the potential for investors and entrepreneurs to collaborate and discuss new ideas and solutions.

On the last day of the event that was dedicated to our youth, the award ceremony took place with more than 110 youngsters that participated in the “Clean Energy Future” Youth Artistic Creations Exhibition.

The 2019 Balkan Clean Energy Transition Event was under the auspices of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) and had the support of the EU Smart Cities Information System (SCIS), the European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC) and the EU-funded project STARDUST.

The main partners were the Kozani Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Bioeconomy & Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia (CluBE). The event was co-organised by the Region of Western Macedonia, the Municipality of Kozani, the University of Western Macedonia, the Chemical Process and Energy Resource Institute (CPERI) of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) and the Regional Development Agency of Western Macedonia (ANKO).

The conference and the fair took place at the Exhibition Centre of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece.


The ambition of the Balkan Clean Energy Transition bi-annual event is to become the Clean Energy accelerator that places Balkan area on the European and global map as a vibrant and vital area where innovative solutions for sustainable growth will lead to a cleaner, greener, smarter, safer, and better world. BCET2019 set the basis, BCET2021 will reinforce this vision!